Need Dessert on Your Diet? Discover the Three Bite Rule

Do you have a sweet tooth? Do you often order dessert at restaurants when you dine out?

If you have to order dessert, learn to practice my three-bite rule to satisfy that sugar craving without gaining weight.

How to Stop Sugar Cravings: Eat Fresh Fruit 

Try to satisfy your sweet tooth with fresh fruit, and that’s it. Don’t even order dessert. But, if you really need to have dessert at the restaurant you can follow my three-bite rule.

Three Bite Rule: What is it Exactly?

There are lots of variations on the three-bite rule, by the way. Moms try the three-bite rule all the time. “Johnny, you must eat at least three bites of everything on your plate before you’re excused from the table.”

This usually does not work. Mothers spend many long, painful, tearful hours in a standoff, while kids discover at least 152 ways to say disgusting.

Three Bite Rule: How to Use it in Your Diet

My variation on the three-bite rule is this. If you truly want molten chocolate lava cake, go ahead and order it, but just have a taste. Take three bites then set it aside for a few minutes, or let your dinner companions have some. You’re less likely to come back to it.

Check out another blog for more tips on staying healthy while dining out.

How Servers Use The Three Bite Rule

Incidentally, servers use the three-bite rule all the time. After they serve the food, they wait until you have had three bites. Then they come back and ask if everything is okay.

Get That Dessert Out of Here!

If you’re being good on your diet, you will ask the server to remove the rest of the dessert. Be careful here. This may hurt the chef’s feelings. You have to soften the blow by explaining to your server that you, too, are practicing the three-bite rule.


No one can gain any weight from having three bites of anything. So remember, if you have to get dessert, eat three bites and say goodbye to it. You will be happy you did.

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Topics included in this article include:

three bite rule

stop sugar cravings

ordering dessert

  1. I recently purchased the Breakthrough edition of the 17 day diet. I’m in Cycle 1, and on Day 11 Dinner, it lists Turkey Chili (p 85). There is a recipe on page 316 for Black Bean Turkey Chili, but it states it is to be used on Cycles 2-4.

    Is the recipe for the Cycle 1 Turkey Chili in the first edition of the book, or is it OK to eat the Black Bean Turkey Chili during Cycle 1?
    Thank you,

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